The Story of Former Soccer Player, Success in Reducing Weight and Muscle Shape

When we often experience migraines, of course it’s hard to commit to routine exercise or diet.

That is what Brian Hendriks, a former American football player from the London Blitz team, feels.

Initially, Hendriks had strong body muscles because he was accustomed to exercising using a bench press with a weight of 183 kilograms.

Unfortunately, unfortunate events occurred when he turned 32 years old. He experienced neurological problems that resulted in bleeding in the brain stem.

As a result, he was forced to stop his routine to work out in the gym. In 2015, right when he was blessed with a baby, Hendirks began experiencing migraines that disrupted his activities.

“I feel very helpless, and hopeless about my life,” he said.

His weight, which was originally 88 kilograms in 2015, jumped to 106 kilograms in 2018.

After finding a suitable drug to treat migraines he suffered, Hendirks life began to change, he returned to the routine exercise in the gym, although only twice a month because he decided to focus on his health and commit to make some drastic changes.

Then, he intends to lose weight by consuming four or five servings of juice a day.

Hendriks also conducts cheating days every two weeks by applying one meal.

Although not easy, he managed to lose weight by 18 kilograms.

After that, he underwent intermintent fasting with the method of five days of normal eating and two days of fasting.

This method succeeded in cutting his weight to 11 kilograms. And in six months, he managed to achieve the weight he wanted.

However, Hendriks continued its efforts by implementing six days of normal eating and one day of fasting to maintain weight and build muscle.

He also began to commit to exercising ten times a week, by applying cardio for half an hour in the morning and exercising at the gym every lunch break.

He also increased his calorie intake to 1800 calories a day and consumed at least 200 grams of protein.

Every week, he prepares his lunch and always eats at the same time every day. He always took the time to go to the gym.

Even though he has to work, he makes use of lunchtime to work out in the gym. For him, creating a strict routine makes it easier to follow.

“By removing all choices, I have never allowed myself to make a bad choice,” he said.

A year later, his hard work paid off completely. Changes clearly visible on his body.

“People who haven’t seen me for a long time are very surprised to see me now. Especially people who only know me when I’m overweight,” he said.

Now, Hendriks claims he is happier with his appearance and can wear whatever clothes he wants.

Since his physical fitness has improved, Hendriks has a lot of energy to play with his children.

“I feel I can be a good role model for my children and their health,” he said.

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