What are Insurance Coverages?

The coverage of an insurance, also called guarantees, are the benefits that are defined and specified in the particular and general conditions of the contracts of the policies. With the coverages the insured is protected up to the agreed economic limit, of the consequences that derive from an accident.

In any insurance, coverage or guarantees are the most important thing to consider when you are going to hire one. Look well at the risk you are running and what are the best coverages you choose for the compensation to cover the damages caused. If the type of insurance is complex, it is essential that you have the advice of a professional because it will inform and guide you at all times.

By law, the main coverage that the car insurance has is that of Obligatory Civil Liability, which guarantees to cover the physical and material damages that the vehicle may cause to a third party. The three common car insurances are third party insurance, extended third party and all risk. From there, the insured can add the coverages that he needs. Below, I detail what coverages are in each type of insurance.

Third party insurance

  • Voluntary Civil Liability. Increases the indemnification of the Obligatory Civil Liability up to 50 million euros.
  • Legal defense and claim of damages.
  • Accidents of the driver with medical assistance.
  • Travel Assistance

Third party insurance extended.

All the same coverages as third party insurance with the addition of:
  • Theft of the vehicle
  • Break of moons
  • Fire
  • Comprehensive insurance

They include the coverages mentioned in the third party insurance and extended third parties. But, in addition, the coverage of own damages that can be caused by the same driver when there is no contrary or by inclement weather is added.

Optional car insurance coverages

  • Sustitution vehicle
  • Collision with game animals
  • Withdrawal of license
  • Subsidy for withdrawal of license
  • Total loss of the vehicle
  • Compensation for immobilization

Home insurance coverage

Home insurance must cover two risks to which a home is exposed. On the one hand, the damage suffered by the house; and, on the other, the damages that may be caused to third parties.

Thus, Civil Liability is essential to hire, provided that one wants to be calm and free of an accident that can have repercussions in having to pay large financial expenses.

Basic home insurance covers the most elementary of the damages you may have. These coverages -mainly very limited- are:
  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Theft
  • Glass breakage
  • Legal defense

The optional coverages of home insurance are:
  • Extended legal defense
  • Coverage of jewelry and valuables
  • Water damage extended
  • Pet Civil Liability
  • Appliance repair
  • DIY and plumbing services
  • Coverage of the garden
  • Theft in the home
  • Street robbery

Health insurance coverage

We could classify health insurance into three types, which are the medical chart without copayment, medical chart with co-payment and reimbursement of expenses. In all these variants you have access to a list of professionals and health centers.

These three modalities differ when you use medical services. In the medical table without co-payment, the insured does not pay for any service if he goes to the centers specified by the company.

In the case of the medical chart with co-payment, the insured pays some of the services that he requires based on rates already established by the insurer.

And in the medical chart with reimbursement of expenses, the insured can access the center or professional who wishes and is not on the preset list, since the company will return most of the cost of the invoice.

The basic coverages of the medical staff are:

Unlimited access to centers and professionals listed by the insurance company.
  • Hospitalization
  • Nursing
  • Emergency
  • Special treatments
  • Preventive medicine
  • Family planning

There are some optional guarantees that can be added to a basic medical chart. For example:
  • Dental coverage
  • Plastic surgery
  • Health coverage before risk activities
  • Second medical opinion service
  • Homeopathy

Life insurance coverage

Life insurance carries a mandatory coverage in hiring, it is death coverage. Thus, if the insured dies, the company will pay compensation to the beneficiary. This is the main life insurance coverage. But there are different options that can be added:
Permanent physical disability due to an accident or illness.
Permanent professional disability due to an accident or illness.
Severe disease such as myocardial infarction, cancer, kidney failure, vital organ transplant, cerebrovascular accident.
Double compensation capital in case of accident.

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