Car Insurance If You Have Drunk Alcohol
December 21, 2019
It is very important for a family when you plan to go on vacation and buy the tickets in advance, having the possibility of contracting cancellation coverage. In the event that one of the children becomes ill and the trip can not be made, it is imperative that the family recover a large part of the cost
The travel assistance insurance gives you peace of mind when going on vacation or going for work-related topics away from home. When traveling with children, unforeseen events are the order of the day. Children tend to get sick more often than adults, especially if they are small, since their bodies need to be immunized against an infinity of viruses. There may be reasons for health that even make us ask ourselves if we are finally going to travel or not, because if the child is not 100%, he will not enjoy the experience, and neither will we.
Whether you are in the part of the world, whatever the time, with travel assistance insurance you will always have a specialist at your disposal. From milder issues, such as a simple visit to the doctor, to complex surgical procedures.
Families with children who are going to attend camps are important to hire the guarantee of assistance in the case that the camp itself or school has not hired.
does travel insurance cover for a large family?
To calculate the price of travel assistance, only five basic data are needed:
- Departure and arrival dates
- Travel destination
- Identify if your trip is a cruise or not
- Number of people traveling with you
- What amount you want to insure in case of cancellation of your trip to be returned.
From these data plus the coverages you want, you will have a very reasonable premium price. Depending on the coverage you need, you will pay more or less for your travel assistance. If you wish, you can add travel cancellation coverage not started at a very tight price. In this way, the final price will only depend on the limits you have selected and the optional guarantees desired.
It is important to look for an insurance with family modality that considers all children under 18 as insured. In this sense, there are insurances that do not increase their price due to this circumstance, regardless of the number of children with whom they travel, in other companies they have discounts depending on the number of children they hire.
In case the adult can not take care of the children due to illness or accident, a policy must be contracted in which the insurer organizes and pays for the round-trip transportation of a person who can accompany the children back to home.
What coverages for a family has travel assistance?
- Medical expenses due to illness or accident. If children (who are more likely to get sick) need to visit an emergency service, we must make sure that the insurance covers those expenses at the destination for the parents’ peace of mind.
- Repatriation or sanitary transport of wounded or sick.
- Repatriation or transport of the deceased insured.
- Repatriation or transport of companions.
- Repatriation or transportation of minors or disabled.
- Displacement of family member due to hospitalization of the insured.
- Prolongation of hotel stay due to illness or accident.
- Transmission of urgent messages.
- Shipping of medicines not existing abroad.
- Interpreter service abroad.
- Advance of monetary funds to the insured.
- Opening and repair of chests and safety boxes.
- Loss of keys to the habitual residence.
- Cancellation of cards.
- General travel information.
- Loss of means of transport by accident “in itinere”.
- Search and rescue of the insured.
- If you want more specific coverage, remember to contact an insurance broker for advice and guidance.
And with the European health card is not enough?
With the European health card you will be treated in the countries of the European Union, including Switzerland, but outside you will not have coverage. In addition, this document does not include all the coverages that may really interest you, such as private healthcare and loss or theft of belongings. It also does not guarantee that the health service you need is free, everything will depend on the assistance system of the country where you are.
Assistance insurance can also cover, in the event that one of the children is abroad during the trip and becomes ill, the transfer of a family member to the home of the hospitalized insured.